How can I let a member modify/edit his own submitted data in a custom collection?

I created a collection (with proper permissions) and a form where only members can enter and submit some data to that collection.

How can I let a member to update/modify their own data?
if i create a dynamic page linked to that collection, it won’t solve the problem.
That page will be a simply view for all members. there is no button for U pdate or Modify or Edit.

there is little information about this matter on the internet. In my opinion it’s something basic, wix should have already in their main menu.

Example: a member (teacher) - I can make a form for them to build a teacher profile in a collection (with name, title, education, experience, photo, his description, reference etc). That’s very easy to do. Now, how can I let them edit (update) their own profile anytime they want?

more than that. If the teacher (member) wants to publish his next course. I will make him fill up a form (name of course, description, photo, duration, place, requirements etc) and submit to a collection. Same thing. That collection can be easy published online by a dynamic page and a dataset linked to that collection. BUT HOW CAN I ALLOW THE TEACHERS TO UPDATE / EDIT THEIR COURSES INFO ANYTIME?

like in this forum, after I post this question, I will be able to Edit/Modify it anytime since I am a member and I was the one who posted it. :sunglasses:

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Sounds like something like this maybe: :grinning:

This only has information regarding how members can update their personal profile. That is fine, however how can they upload the information they have submitted to a collection? There only seems to be an option for them to view what they’ve uploaded but not edit or change the information.

You will have to code it.
You can use the dataset or wix-data queries.

Look for → update() - command in the velo-API-docs.

This is exactly what I’m trying to figure out…my members submit their profiles on the site , (not their member profile, an actual public profile) , but how can they edit it if they need to change it? Does submission data that is stored in a date set get recorded in a place where the member has access to it somehow for editing ?

My problem is similar. I have an enamel pin database where users can submit pin pictures and information. Sometimes information needs to be added or errors need to be fixed. Right now users notify me of changes and I can go into the database from the back end and add the missing data. However that is extremely time consuming, and running the site is a hobby and I have 2 jobs. When I work on the database I want to add new information, not fix information added by others.
There is a setting in the database that says allow users to edit database… but there is no way for them to access access and edit the database from the front end of the website.