How do I prevent the data sets I create from automatically sorting itself?

I created a table using ‘Lists & Grids’. Then I created a dataset and connected it to the table. BUT, the dataset automatically gets sorted. I don’t want it to get sorted. I want all the rows in the dataset to appear exactly in the order I put them in. Please help!

Change your dataset’s sort order to last Updated

Thanks! I’ve done that. BUT now I have another problem: I fixed the order in the Sandbox section, but the changes won’t transfer to Live even if I did the ‘copy all items from Sandbox to Live’.

So then, I went to ‘Live’ and fixed the order there, but then the changes don’t show up in Preview mode, and neither does the correct order show up when I publish the site.

@aranyaphookan Live and Sandbox are separate for a reason. They’re a failsafe for each other, so you have to manually sync them every time. Preview mode only uses sandbox, your website only uses live.

I suggest you use Wix Support center, as this forum is only for Corvid/coding.