wix bugs report
Mobile devices cannot send emojis in comments in web version Wix forum
We create a group post by pressing the create post button on the wix groups website application and selecting the group, but the link cannot be pasted to the link sharing section from Twitter etc.
The member page or content page I created in the branded app is constantly being deleted. I’m so bored of this that I constantly start over every day.
While group posts can be tracked on the website, they cannot be tracked on the branded app because of the lack of communication between the branded app and the website.
In the branded app, long sentences such as ‘she shared in the chess group 23 minutes ago’ move out of the texture and even appear on the menu opened with 3 dots.
Admin settings in the site settings are not effective in the branded app. Example: “Only the site owner can add members to the group setting” from Wix Dashboard is not effective in the branded app.
The branded app lags excessively and crashes. It opens very late and crashes on most mid-range phones. This has caused a huge loss of customers. Even directly, wix group, wix forum, wix’s own applications lag a lot.
When you send a push notification in the branded app, the screen that opens says ‘the screen is not available’
If two members block each other and even if they unblock each other again, they can never message each other again.They constantly have to open new accounts.
I have a lot of bug reports like this. If the development team does not take it seriously and fix the problems, I will sue because you are selling me a defective product.