WIX Forum Team needs another way to get a hold of them.

I was told the process to get a hold of this team is to write in the Forum. Well, this process is shit, just like the other processes I’m having issues with that Wix Forum team is supposedly can mitigate.
HERE’S THE ISSUE. I just wrote a HUGE post for the forum that included pics. When scrolling up to see that everything looked good, my entire post was deleted as I scrolled up. So, I think I will just tell my customers that Wix just has a butt load of kinks to work out in their software and using their Corvid currently does nothing to assist the issue, because no matter what changes I make in the code manually, it appears they don’t save and get published. So, we’re still at square one.

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Thank you so much for providing extensive screenshots and details of the issue you’re experience on this post . I’m going to escalate this - thank you!

Hi @vvcreations , I’m sorry to hear you had bad experience with our Forum solution.
Can you please share with me some details? where did you wrote the post? (desktop/mobile?)
whats your site URL?

Refael, the problem is more with Paid Plans than it is with Forums. The site I’m working doesn’t have a forum (or at least I don’t think it does). I worked with several teams at Wix that tried to mitigate my issue unsuccessfully. The last time I spoke to a Wix team member they mentioned that the Forums Team should be able to assist, being that they work with Paid Plans.

As you can see in my other post here:
I’m having the issue with the Peak Level Performance website.
My login is bchallm@hotmail.com. If you can go take a look at what’s going on.

@vvcreations I see. Misunderstood from my end I thought you’re referring to issues with Wix Forum. I’ll pass your issues to the relevant team :slight_smile: