I designed and built this website to display correctly in Desktop View, but it doesn’t show the same way in Tablet or Mobile view. I want it to display exactly the same in Tablet and Mobile view as Desktop, without the elements being rearranged or restacked, as WIX seems determined to do. Is there a way to have it do that?
Hi @cayce ,
Because Editor X is responsive (and not adaptive), you will need to change the design so it is appropriate for tablet and mobile breakpoints. For example, if you look at the Editor X site (https://www.editorx.com/) you’ll see that the horizontal content becomes vertically orientated as the browser or screen becomes smaller.
Looking at the site you shared in your post, a few things immediately come to mind that would need to be redesigned for a smaller breakpoint:
Menu: Instead of a full menu across the top, which doesn’t fit on a smaller screen, a hamburger menu will fit better
First fold: The 4 different images are horizontally aligned but for a smaller screen these could become a carousel or could be vertically stacked in a grid.