Mailto: buttons won't initiate an email

Hi wix forum!

On my site, I have a few buttons where I’ve selected the “Email” option when adding a link to a button. This should create a mailto: link that initiates an email. On iPhones, these buttons are working. On Android devices, they are not. On Mac computers, they are not. Any suggestions on how to fix? Or a design-friendly alternative?


have the same issue… please help

same issue as Email Link Button is not opening email link rather just a new page with default browser page

Same Issue here.

Same issue! Any fix available???

Will this ever be fixed? Does anyone have a fix??

Having this issue too-- tried several workarounds, and none are resolving.

same issue

the buttons are in a repeater or at the page?

I have the same problem. Is there a way to fix it?

Please refrain from multiple posts on the same question.

Then how about an answer!

1 Like

Is there any update on this issue?
I have the same problem (the email link is not working on my PC with chrome but it’s fine on my phone)

Do we have a resolution on this issue then? Seems to be affecting a lot of people

I am also having this issue. looks like it’s been going on for many months.

URGENT- I created a button in a repeater which is linked to a database using the mailto: code. It was working I tested it, then all of a sudden it has stopped.

Can anyone please tell me what is going on?

Thanking you in advance.

import wixData from ‘wix-data’ ;
import wixUsers from ‘wix-users’ ;
//let m1Email ;

wixData . query ( “1425MemberProfiles” )
. find ()
. then (( results ) => {
$w ( “#repeater1” ). onItemReady (( $item , itemData , index ) => {
let m1Email = itemData . email ;
let m1EmailPrefix = “mailto:” ;
//no let m1EmailAddress = (m1EmailPrefix + m1Email);
//let m1EmailAddress = m1EmailPrefix + m1Email;
// let m1EmailAddress = “mailto:” + m1Email;
let m1EmailAddress = ( “mailto:” + m1Email );

$item ( “#m1EmailAddress” ). link = m1EmailAddress ;
$item ( “#m1EmailAddress” ). target = “_blank” ;

Not to perpetuate a repeated thread, but has there been any resolution on this subject?
My friend and I are creating a website and this functionality is not working on a Windows based PC.
Is there a solution or a different method for getting the MailTo link to work on a WIX created page?


If anyone is experiencing this issue, the best place to report is via the steps outlined in this topic.