Members profile dynamic data

Hi im trying to create a members profile page. I have a profile pic, email, website and facebook, instagram and twitter all in a database.

2 things i cant work out.

  • How do i link the different social media urls to a social media icon on my dynamic page?
  • I can list the website as text but is there a way to make this link not have the http before the www.

Thank you for your help.

  1. sm-icons: just put an image on your page that indicates the type of SM (Facebook, Twitter) and, in code, set its .link property
  2. here you opened a can of worms. If you allow people not to specify a protocol and use this URL as a link inside Wix (e.g. the image in 1), it won´t work. You need to add a protocol (in code), but what do you add? http:// or https://? You don´t know on what port the server runs. So your best bet is to add http:// and hope that if the server only runs on 443, the admin was kind enough to install a script that redirects every request from 80 to 443. Most servers do this, but there are execptions.

Thank you very much Giri Zano