Mobile website loading slow

my site is loading very slow on mobile, tried to delete banner and change image but nothing.

The problem is on mobile



I attach a screen

I had no issues loading it on mobile. less than half a second.


I noticed that, but google pagespeed insights tell me that it’s slow/RED and i don’t want that my web-site could have seo problems

understandable, but to have a great mobile pagespeed score you have to sacrifice the website so much that it will also affect bounce rate and SEO. Its a fine ballance, but I will always sacrifice speed for a more aesthetic user friendly design.


Ok thank you very much.
What do you think about my rank?

I don’t understand how an image can take so long to be showed up

@Dan_Suhr You can use this wix app for speed optimization -Website Speedy | Wix App Market |