I have been dealing with this mobile website problem for far long. I have sent countles tickets and they always say the same thing! Photos,fonts,animations. I removed everything,i even created a website with nothing but a button IT IS STILL SLOW AND LAGGY!!!I have tried every possible solution but website is still so slow and laggy.Either improve the mobile website or admit you are slow!I have bought the premium before i realize the slowness.Jesus Christ it’s killing me!!I published the website, most of the customers will use the mobile website but it is imposibble browsing. I have talked to 8 different Wix support team members they say website is fast but in almost 19 phones and desktops it is slow!! I created a website on webbly it is fast on mobile and desktop.
Fully Loaded Time
12.9s It is absolutely slow!
261 I believe this is too much!!
Minimize request size C (75)
Optimize images B (84)
Defer parsing of JavaScript B (85)
Leverage browser caching B (87)
Make fewer HTTP requests C (72)
Reduce DNS lookups E (50)
Add Expires headers B (89)
Minify JavaScript and CSS B (80)
These are terrible numbers for a newly opened website. What are those??!
Fot detailed information: https://gtmetrix.com/reports/www.kaidanfit.com/QU1mM5q5
And yes I had to turn off mobile version beacause its crap! Guys I know Wix is huge and things happens but the problem is not us it is WIX!! I don’t know coding so i chose wix but as you see i had to spend hours trying to solve this. I have to desing the website not solve wix’s problems!Before getting new customers satisfy the existing!PLEASE DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.