đź“… My Booking page failure [RESOLVED!]

I am experiencing a very stressful situation with one of my clients and was wondering if any of you experts here had this problem with WIX Booking and how it was resolved.

In a nutshell, in the past week, every day another member is failing to access their “My Booking” page where they can see their current booking and if they need to reschedule a class, they can cancel a class through that page and then re-book a new class.

The page simply show a rotating “loading” animation but the actual page never show up.
The same goes for the app, there is no way to access My Booking for those members through the app.

Consulted with WIX VIP Support which “…escalated this case to the development team” for days now while the client is keep getting more and more students complain about the same problem.

Did anyone here experienced such an issue with members not been able to access their My Booking page and how was that resolved?

Maybe I can do something myself instead of waiting in vain for someone to get back to me from support.

What’s your ticket number? I’ll get this double checked for you.

Thank you, Brett!

Ticket ID. 121098571


24 hours after you stepped in the problem was resolved.

I owe you one :wink:

I guess I was jumping the gun too quickly. Right after I got the news about the fix, members went back to book new classes, they could book classes and see their “My Booking” page but the page is empty and no new booking shows up… back to square one (and a half…) – I sent mail again to Joseph from Support and notified him on the new issue.

Okay. Keep me posted - let’s get you taken care of! :slight_smile:

I will. The ball is back in Support and the wizards of code at the Dev team.

Hidemi, I have no solution to offer, but I just completed setting up an HR management system for one of our customers for new hires using the new wix-bookings api.

They currently have 300 employees, and I estimate they will receive applications weekly, so I’m just wondering what was your user load like before you found that error? I would hate to experience that issue.

Hi Chris,

I started the booking system with migration of 61 students/members (and added about 5 new ones in the past 3 weeks) from a well established third party booking system into WIX. Not all students are very active, some are booking a session once per month only, and about 30 are very active, booking 3-5 sessions per week.

This load is not big, therefor, I might not be the best person to vouch if the system handles large bookings well or have experience with many booking which highlight system issues better due to the shear volume.

Saying that, I was not expecting so many issues for such a small size membership/booking system setup. I was also quite disappointed from the way the booking system is working with the Paid Plans. The concept is clear and should work great, but very important parameters such as “Session Count” which is the number of “sessions” left or “credit” left for any member who purchased a plan and use it within the booking system as “credit” – this number is available for the members (they can see how many credits they have left to use it for their next bookings and when it runs out - buy a new Paid Plan) but not available for the website owner. Imagine using a booking system in which to monitor your members available credits, you need to do it outside the system manually and have no way to get an accurate count within the system.

Overall the system works, but the process is a bit bumpy when moving members from an established third party booking system into WIX and keeping the client and their students content while dealing with those issues behind the scenes.

May I ask how is your experience with the system and what did you discover experiencing it that might get me ready for any potential pitfalls going forward?

@hidemitakagi Actually, we’re still in the design phase for our system. The idea is that we are capturing the customer’s information through a form for their job application. Once they’ve applied, we use a triggered email to automatically send them a confirmation email.

Once their interviews are confirmed, by the hr administrator, we send a confirmation using the booking api as well as block the slot from the interviewer’s calendar. It’s very convenient so far, but we haven’t done any stress testing yet. My only issue with the Bookings API so far is that there is no way to pull a Staff Member’s booked time slots from my side, which to me was kind of crazy. If you want to know when John Brown is unavailable, you have to query through all available time slots tied to that staff member to find the ones that don’t exist, which is intensive.

Once we jump into the testing phase, then I can tell you whether it works or not as expected, but so far it has been working well, haven’t seen any pitfalls.

#bookingsapi #wixbookings

@brett-haralson Thank you for all the help in the matter. Yesterday, a whole team of developers from Ukraine and Israel descended on the site and within 2-3 hours the issue was resolved. I have a very happy client with perfectly running booking system going and in hope for a smooth sail into the sunset from now on.

My one does exactly the same and a whole team is working on it now. I wonder what the problem might be. Frustrating. Once you click on the x it uploads perfectly but I’d like my users to be able to access all pages without any trouble.