It has been documented s many times and yet no fix or temporary code given.
Wix fixed guidelines at 980px (optimised for tablet users)
Problem is 95% of my visiters are viewing on a laptop/desktop/mac. I have designed my website expecially for computer users. We really need these guidlines adjusted and an auto resizer enabled.
I was on the phone with Wix for over 1 hour last night (Im from UK, calling at 23:00) and got absolutely nowhere, the oporater couldnt understand what I was asking for even though there are many/requent requests about this. I contacted Corvid team with a raised ticket, again no solution or help.
The worrying thing is, I have been with wix for many years now on premium, and sites like wordpress already have this feature, with many wix users leaving to create with them. I cant understand why wix have not addressed this issue, when there are forum posts about this over 2 years old.
“Help Required” - Please if anyone is able to help provide a temporary fix, with some site code via corvid, please can someone provide it with a step-by-step guide.
I have designed my website on a large screen ratio, (1768px wide) and it look fantastic on my screen, when viewed on lower width screens, it looks poor, and when designed within the 980px guidelines it looks poor too. My competitor all have auto resizable resolution websites, so trying to compete is making it very hard.
Below my website on 1768px wide