Responsive websites

i think it’s time for wix to focus on creating a responsive templates and a responsive web builder , it’s necessary and i think it’s main priority for wix to develop this tool and these templates , we still have great galleries and sliders but unfortunately not responsive at all , also the main menu not responsive at all , text not responsive etc. a mobile builder is a waste of time and waste of development , but a responsive websites is the trend right now , and many competitors started already switching to the responsive templates . wix is great advanced web builder , but still a responsive website is the greatest advantage missing here , even if i built a great website i still have a great weak point which is my website not responsive on all screens.


I can truly not believe this is not possible yet. I’m currently desperatly needing this for a client but think I have to change the platform because WIX seems to be ignoring this issue for years now.
Issues and questions from users about this, when looking for answers on google go back a long time and nothing has been done. I loved WIX but now I’m realizing I can’t meet even the most basic needs of my client with WIX. I mean having a simple text bloc respond to adjusting the browser size isn’t even possible. Or am I missing something?

you are totally right and no one understand why they are ignoring such important thing and focusing on ther functions with much less priorities , hopefully someone is reading this

hopefully they will listen to you

I think the way that the Wix website editor is built makes it currently impossible to make a responsive website. In order to be able to build a responsive website, you need to be able to program the way elements show up on different format and resolution and to build your website using the box model for example (like Webflow does). This would require basic HTML skills that some people simply don’t have. Wix also targets a more broad audience and focuses on having a simple and easy way to build a website. They would lose the “easy” part of building a website. Maybe they could have the option to choose between two different editors (the normal and the responsive), but I’m not sure that will happen.

good you mentioned another competitor for them already using responsive templates on their web builder , i wish they are reading that there are many competitors now transitioning to RESPONSIVE builders .

Bump. why is wix still ignoring this?

hopefully they will do something this year , i really hope , like the thread so that they can see it as a top request

Wix has a lot of nice features. But with such a non-responsive approach, it feels like a really hard deal breaker for us :(. This is 2019 and 98% of our clients require a responsive solution.

@alexander-wix : Is it possible to get a road map that tells the future of responsive design support? Or else, we need to cancel this business plan within 3 days. :frowning:

A really nice hope for the future!

I got in contact with Wix sales yesterday and I raised the concern about the non-responsive design issue.

And now to the hope: Wix ensured me that support of fully responsive designs are expected to be released before the end of 2019 as part of their new Editor .

As told by Wix, this was announced on a Wix conference not too long ago (not sure what conference though and I have searched the net for such news without luck). I therefore put my hopes on Wix being reliable in such statements. Anyone out there that got this news too?

@alexander-wix @amit-wix @wixanat @benjamin-bavel-wix @brett-haralson : Can you confirm this? And perhaps you can share the roadmap even if its not explicit on dates? :slight_smile:

Thanks for good support and news, Wix!

There are truthful elements to what you heard, but there is not a concrete timeline on when this will be available. That’s a vague answer - I know. Don’t hate me.

I will tell you, however, I will let everyone know as soon as I can in the partner forum. <3

@edsh02 Wix Conference in London … 2018. It was information released to those who attended … it was not publicly announced on the internet world. Follow the Wix Communities on Facebook to stay in the loop with conferences (and other general information …not just Corvid specific). Which is what this forum is … Corvid specific. You can also follow the Wix Community on YouTube …which is where they release Roundtables with product managers and other Wix people who usually talk about upcoming features and sneek peak of stuff they are working on.

Good job @edsh02 getting senior wix/corvid members involved.
I see from @brett-haralson answer that it’s the same position they had in 2018 when responsive sites was already a burning issue… looks like it’s not going to be implemented.

Big thanks for your reply, @brett-haralson ! And you are correct, kind of vague answer indeed :slight_smile:

I’m not sure how I should relate to your answer vs the statements given by your sale department about this. It kind of feels like a typical sale strategy promising a lot to gain sales, but without any hard truths about it. And to be honest, that mismatch really lower the overall trust for Wix as a whole in a sense. I really hope that you (Wix) can become much more transparent with road maps etc. (Perhaps you do in some other forum? Thanks @code-queen for pointing out other sources of information)

Anyways, this puts us in an awkward position in terms of our business selling point to our clients :frowning: We’re still in a decision phase of becoming a partner to Wix, but many things and quirks tend to appear throughout our analysis of Wix. I hope we can overcome them, but its hard to know what to sell if there is no clear insight in all its limits and restrictions.

Haha, @gsobak . Thanks!

I feel a bit of general frustration in your reply about this. Hopefully Wix do as they say in all their lectures conferences, promotions etc… i.e. We listen to our customers. That is top priority! :slight_smile:

@edsh02 Absolutely. Nothing at Wix moves without talking to users first. That’s part of our secret sauce. =)

Though I am not an expert at this, but I think these ‘solutions’ maybe of help to you,

I have been trying to find a solution for making things ‘responsive’ on my site - without much success.

That’s how I came across these two posts…

@brett-haralson Hopefully we will hear good news very soon , even if you give us any beta for testing

it’s december and nothing yet !!! you promised us !

Wix never promised it would be released in December. Wix makes sure to never promise anything within a timeline because there are many factors that can make timeline’s change almost instantly. I’m sure you were secretly hoping it WOULD be here by now … but it’s not. Good things come to those who wait.