Round Table: Wix Events

#roundtable #WixEvents @tal-gonenne , the PM of Wix Events, was our guest!
We discussed new features: COUPONS, Turning off RSVP, Adding a Members are to Wix Events, Event Manager Role in Wix Events, and more!


This was a great roundtable! I really hope to see if we can get the time out for checking out for the event down from 20 mins to say like 10? Or make it adjustable on a per event basis

I could definitely use WIX events with scaled pricing. I’m off to use EventBright or another reservation based ticket system only because we can’t offer multiple pricing. I almost sold my client on a new website but I couldn’t get WIX Events to pull off what I needed. It’ll be great if you guys followed up with this!

That was a request during the round table - so, now it’s in the right hands! :slight_smile:

Hi Brett and Tal, I hope you’re fine. I’m a full time user of Wix Events for one of my clients, and today I identified an improvement opportunity for you to share with Wix Events programmers. For example, this client has a wine store and every month has at least one wine tasting event and we have configured the two options for users get the tickets (1) online payment or (2) offline payment (with cash the day of events at the moment they come to the store), for this kind of massive events the wine store has no problem with those who selected offline option, and did not show up. Now, for next valentine’s day the wine store decided to prepare an exclusive event for a reduced number of couples with meals, wines, music performer, prizes and more, and we identified that it was risky to set the offline payment as an option. And we could not disable it because they have another wine tasting event which does need to have the two payment options available. So, it would be nice that every event have the option to select what’s the payment options you want to offer for users. ¿What do you think?, ¿Is it possible?
Dany :smiley:
PS: this is my first participation here as new ambassador.

I wish events let me set dates/times for tickets to expire. for instance: early bird tickets can be purchased from january 1 to january 15 midnight. General admin january 16 to the day before the event. Door tickets the day of the event. If I could set dates and times for tickets to be available or expire I could do this with out needing to log into the event and remember to delete one and add the next ticket options. #wixfeaturerequest

(former Sell Tickets user)… Need offer different ticket type for the same event, i.e. G/A vs VIP. Also need the ability to offer Discount/Coupon to all tickets types across different events, i.e. $5 off ALL G/A tickets no matter the event. Thank you.