Wednesday Discussion Topic: Wix Events: Members Area!

Okay fellow Experts! This week I invite everyone to join in the conversation and help influence the Product Managers for #WixEvents. We are specifically wanting to discuss how #WixMembers can become more integrated within Wix Events.

Wix Members Area has really grown into a huge part of the Wix product lineup. Today, let’s discuss how the Members area - in your opinion - could integrate in Wix Events. What can your wildest dreams imagine? What would you like to see happen?

Let’s discuss. @tal-gonenne is excited and wanting to join in! Don’t be shocked when your wildest dreams get buillt, either. =)


Hey! One of the biggest things that would be amazing to integrate with the Wix Members system is to allow the customer to re-download their tickets if they lose the confirmation email that is sent to them. My clients get numerous emails requesting for tickets to be sent to them again.

Also while I’m at it :slight_smile: It would be amazing to get the coupons system integrated (like WIX Stores and Bookings). Also the ability for the customer to buy more than one event at a time. Kinda like having a basket that they pay for at the end, like the WIX Stores system. I’m in discussions with a few theatres to use WIX Events as a possible box office provider, so having the ability of both Coupons and Muti purchase events, it would be amazing!

Thanks Muchly!


Chris, these are all amazing #FeatureRequest suggestions for #WixEvents!

Here is an article for one of the features you mentioned, if you subscribe to the article you will be notified when that feature is released

Have a great day!

I would like to add a thought about the time of an event.
First - It could be helpful if I could separate the date from the time.
I would like to choose whether to add the exact hours, or just use the date.
I know there is the TBD option, where I can customize the message, but if I use it there are two problems:

  1. It has to be very short, sometimes too short to explain anything.
  2. I can’t use the TBD message to sort the events in their list.
    I have to fill in the date (with any time), hide it, (because it’s not accurate), and all this just for the sake of sorting the events by date.

So - separating date and time / more options for TBD / an option to sort event list manually ?
One of these could be helpful.
Thanks! :slight_smile:

@chrisg-silvester and @tamtamdesign , these are some great suggestions! We’d love to hear your feedback on Members Area and what features you would love to see with this integration.

@chrisg-silvester you mentioned the ability to have customers re-download their tickets if they lose the confirmation email that was sent to them. Would you say that having this as an option on their profile card could help? Or what do you believe is a great way to implement this? :slight_smile: #WixEventsMembersArea

Absolutely. It could be located on their profile card under the Heading ‘My Booked Events’. This would allow the customer to keep track of purchases and tickets, but for the client this would mean that they have returning custom to their website. I would create advertising banners for upcoming events that would appear on the profile card section, as a possible up selling avenue for the company (theatre or events).
Wix Events could create a thumbnail widget for Wix Events like postcards that the customer could click on to get more info. For example the attached image. I know this is possible with Wix Code, but it would be beneficial for non wix-code savy people #featurerequest for #wixevents

Perfect timing… I believe the WixEvents team already has these but just in case… and if enough #WixExperts agree the below feature requests will be bumped up on the priority list. :crossed_fingers: The client website requires site membership to access Wix Events pages so these suggestions are for current site members.

I just submitted a support ticket for a client site that when an event has 3 spots available and someone with a RSVP of 4 or more tried to RSVP the system gives an “oops” message. On 12/6/18, the message changed but the root problem persists. The person RSVPing cannot be added to the waitlist. I was told by support team that the app was functioning as coded. That my feature requests were being sent to the #WixEvents team.

#featurereqeust The system message tells the user that their RSVP guest count is too large for the number of available spots open and that their name and guest count has been added to the waitlist.
#featurerequest the open number of RSVP spots displays on the Wix Event page to end users. Example 120/300 guest spots filled. 0 guests on the waitlist. Example 300/300 guest spots filled. 100 guests on the waitlist.
#featurerequest allow the waitlist sign up form to mimic the original registration and to accept more than one guest for the waitlist. (This would keep the guest count accurate.)
#featurerequest code the waitlist program to work automatically. (If guest given access to edit their own RSVP, this would make site admin job easier.) Currently, I designed a “change RSVP” form to send to my client when someone needs to change their RSVP. But she can only move them to not going. She cannot change the number of guests attending. When a guest is labeled from “going” to “not going” the system initiates a waitlist email to the next person on the list that matches the RSVP headcount. For example, if 3 spots open up then those waitlist names with a party of 3 receive the email. OR, have the waitlist email text state the number of open spots to all of the waitlisted person(s). Otherwise, the person who has a party of 4 goes online to RSVP and gets the “Guest Limit Exceeded” message and we are back to the original problem.

Thank you #WixEvents team!!!

Great feedback. Are there any specific member-related features for Wix Events you would like to highlight? Specifically for members?

(Definitely not Wednesday in the UK anymore, but another idea!)

Having the ability using the membership system and Wix Paid plans, to allow members to create their own events through a clients website. Kinda like the eventbrite model. The client having the ability to moderate the event before it going live, then handling payments from each event, to then be sent to the user after the event is completed (deciding to take a commission or not). Within the members area, the member who created the event can edit their event, but when it comes to the event itself will have access to the guest list and can operate the check-in feature system.

This would be perfect for festival events and ‘what’s on your local area type websites’.

It something that would take a considerable amount of work to do. But it’s always worth a shot (especially for a 2am idea!)


Thanks Chris for your great suggestions! Do you think they would also be interested in seeing their order details as well, or just the ticket PDF?
Regarding coupons, you’ll soon have it!
The multi ticket cart is a great idea :slight_smile:

Sheyla, thanks for pointing the article out!

HI @tamtamdesign thanks for the feedback! It’s great to hear in detail what our users are looking for. I have a few thoughts maybe they can be useful. First, if you use Wix Code, a DB with all the events opens up for you, so you can create your own event list and event details page, and then customize it as you wish - i.e. you can show only the date/time. Here’s the article for your convenience - CMS: Creating a Custom Events Gallery | Help Center |

Regarding sorting of events - how would you like to sort them? If you have an option to re-arrange them, in what order would you display them?

Hi @melissa-1 thanks for the great suggestions regarding waitlist events!
Regarding the issue with the waitlist for RSVPs, we will double check that it’s working as expected, and will fix ASAP is needed.

Thanks @chrisg-silvester that’s very good feedback. I might reach out to you soon to follow up with some questions :slight_smile:

@tal-gonenne Thanks! Indeed this article opens plenty of options! I will try using code and I’m sure this will solve a lot.
I meant sorting events by date, but without using the app built-in date and time. Using a collection for that would be a perfect solution.

@tal-gonenne Yes so as part of the chance to re-download their ticket it could show the order details, but more importantly the location of the event, with a possible google map button/widget which could direct them to the Google Map App on mobile devices for directions?


This is a great discussion, and it gave me another idea, especially for “members”.
It could be useful if members would put their names (if they want) in a public interactive platform, connected to the event - like a chat, or mini-forum.
Use cases :
-“Who brings what” - food, music instrument, equipment to share etc.
-“How I get there” - shared/organized transportation.
-“Join the effort” - donations, collecting money for a gift, lists and info to share beforehand etc.

Great day everybody! (Thursday though…) (:

I absolutely love the #wixevents product, so would be more than happy to help in any way to further and improve its awesomeness already! :slight_smile:


Thanks @tamtamdesign we had that in mind, and it’s great to know you’d like that too :slight_smile:

@tal-gonenne thank you, thank you, thank you!

In regards to member-related Wix Events features, I should clarify that in order for most of my feature requests to happen the Wix Events user would have to be a registered member of the site (that way they could access their “events” account and edit RSVPs as needed, the automated waitlists could happen more easily, etc.) Let me know if you need more info.

To stem off of what @tamtamdesign said, YES-- It would be great to integrate Wix Members and Wix Events to allow members to sign up to bring items to an event. Similar to Sign Up Genius. There would be automatic reminders sent to member who signed up and they could edit their sign up as needed because they are a site member.