Section/Image height + field values

I just started experimenting with Editor X and I already have two things that are bugging me a lot. When adding an image to a section (or just generally when working with ANY section), can you please please please bring back simply being able to just go to the bottom of said section, click on an interactive button in the middle and drag to make it taller or shorter? As far as I can tell right now I can just change the actual height of a section by going to adjust the grid which is not an option once I’ve added an image to a section and stretched it to fit the section.

Doing it the way we were in the original WiX editor is just way more intuitive. I’m having trouble with changing the height of a section once I’ve added and stretched an image to fit a section (and I don’t want to add a grid)

Additionally, whenever we have a field (like section height for example), can we make it possible to click, hold and drag it to one side or the other to change the value? It’d make it much faster than having to click and then manually entering the number which results in having to do that over and over again because most of the time it’s a feeling out process.


Hi D,

You are talking about sections and grid, which do you use? Do you have several sections in your layer panel? It is recommendable to use separate sections where possible. Within a section you can add a grid if needed.

Hi D,
Hadar here from the X team.
Regarding section height, it is possible to change it by dragging the bottom line of the section.
If you have an image stretched on section, you’ll need to select the section via the breadcrumbs or layers panel.
Here’s a gif to help you out :slight_smile:

Regarding the additional idea, great! I will forward it to our product team.


Ah! Perfect. Thank you so much!!

Btw, while I have you (and I’m currently watching the video tutorials, so my apologies if this will be covered in one of them), is it possible to have different headers for different pages? This would be invaluable. Thank you!

Hi @dillonsbford ,

Yes it is possible to show different headers on different pages.

You can set any section as a Master and then choose which pages you want to display it on. In this way, you can display different Masters on different pages.

Here’s a link to the Academy X lesson which will give you a detailed explanation about this:

Here’s a video tutorial about the same:

Hope it helps! (: