Store Changes Needed

#featurerequest #store
Ability to make changes to customer orders- we’ve had customers submit orders, then would like to make changes. Other than deleting the whole order, this is not currently available. Please give store owners the ability to make the changes needed within an order.
Ability to insert discount- After an order has been submitted it would be nice to be able to apply a discount.
Customer address to be on first page of order print out- when orders are printed out the customer address prints off on the second page if it exceeds more than one page. It would be nice if all of the customers information was on the top of the first page so we are not searching for the information when doing deliveries.
Ability for customers to select how they will be paying manually (emt, cash, cheque)- it would be nice for customers to make a selection how they will be manually paying.
Inventory to be taken out when order is submitted, not just when paid- since our store is set up for manual payment, it would be nice if inventory was automatically deducted from current inventory once the order was submitted, rather then waiting for the payment. If payment is not received then the order would be cancelled and inventory should be able to go back in.

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Thank you for your feedback.

#FeatureRequest #WixStores

Store Shipping Is still a Major Issue in Wix please look at these ideas

Whilst Wix has now added the ability to set delivery price by individual items, there are some really major areas missing.

1. You need to be able to add a number of the same items into the same delivery cost, as that’s how every supplier works. or be able to add a smaller amount when it goes over a set number.

If my supplier charges a delivery fee of £40 for a chest of drawers, he does not add another £40 if I order 2 of them, usually, I can order 3-4 for the same price. but Wix does not allow for this.


  1. Delivery cost £40.00 - for up to 3 items in a group - If more than 3 items added then an additional £15.00 per additional item gets added.
    #featurerequest #wixstores #wixshipping

2. We had a workaround for the above, using groups but: You have now found out you can only add a maximum of 50 groups - which for a large shop like ours is not enough.

having more flexibility in delivery options is critically important and really doesn’t work well at all yet in Wix

it’s hard to detail here without showing someone ideas, but there are some really simple ways that this could be addressed and added quickly making this loads better quickly. I’d be happy to share ideas.

Please allow for more than 50 groups urgently or address issue 1. which would be far better.
#featurerequest #wixstores #wixshipping

3. Really Importantly (Supplier Account Numbers) Added to Fulfilment Services - Setting up the Fulfilment Services only allows you to add the supplier’s name and email - this is great as emails can go straight to the supplier for your order from your shop making things work quickly - However, This area should have a box for your Trade Account Number with that supplier, so the Supplier knows who the order is from… We deal with large suppliers who always ask for our Account number to place an order, so this is simply no good without it. we still have to follow up each order as this does not yet work properly.

All that is needed from Wix is just a simple box which would add our individual supplier account number to each order sent, and in my view, this is completely essential in this fulfilment Services Area - as without this many orders will not get processed - large companies will Simply Not Supply your orders without this account number information, which would be really simple for Wix to add.

Please add Supplier Account Number to Fulfilment Servies

#featurerequest #wixstores #wixshipping #wixfulfilmentservices

Thanks for the feedback! I’ll be forwarding this post to our team.

One more thing we would like to see, is if payment has been made when a customers order is printed. As of now, when a customer orders are printed a store owner cannot see if the order has been paid for or not unless they login to their wix account. It would be great to see this change.
#featurerequest #wixstores

Thanks for this additional feedback :slight_smile: