Tags CMS?

Hi, I wonder if this feature is available in Editor X:

I add tags for individual projects in a collection. I want the tags:

  • Appear on each project page

  • Clickable and lead users to a page that works like a “Search Results” page that automatically shows results containing content related to the selected “tags” — I do see this feature on many sites that have posts including tags.

Thanks in advance!!

Utilize the Content Manager and set one of the fields as Tags and apply.

Thanks! I’ve got that covered but stuck on the showing Tags search results part :frowning:

Add the Tag as part of the Title, Keyword, or even URL in the SEO of the collection.

So how do you click on tags and it goes directly to the search page?

Not sure what you mean by clicking the tags to go to the search page, normally you filter a pages content by tag, the click goes to the page with th relative tag.

In the content manager’s collection, assign the tag to the item, then the list of items will appear on the page that the respective tag is being used as a filter.

You could use the tag as a filtering too for a single list of items on a page. Click the tag and only items with that tags are being shown.

More on this

Perhaps I am missing something, please elaborate furhter if you wish.

This is an example of what I would like to achieve:

Please scroll to the end of the post to see the tags!

Yes, to achieve what the blog engine uses tag on a regular page, utilize the information availble on the link shared above.

Basice the article of a blog is the same as the item of a collection.

Assign tags to relative items, then create a dynamic or static page and add a content dataset to it. In the Dataset settings assign a filter to collect items that have that tag.

On your item detail page, like with the post page for a blog, utlize the input element for tags that will link to their respective pages.

You could also create a collection of tags, and connect them to your primary collection using a multi-reference field. Then when a tag is used, it also has a URL associated with it dynamically.

Here is some more on that

Thanks for your suggestion and patience!
Of all what you have suggested, I think this is something that I’m looking for:

You could also create a collection of tags, and connect them to your primary collection using a multi-reference field. Then when a tag is used, it also has a URL associated with it dynamically. 

Here is some more on that



  1. Create a collection of tags

  2. Connect them to your primary collection using a multi-reference field.

  3. When a tag is used, it also has a URL associated with it dynamically

My question is: what URL is associated here? As far as I understand, the Blog has a ready-to-use URL for its tags search (/blog/tags/beach… etc.). [[I did try this on my Blog, the result: When I click on a Blog post tag, it links to the “All Blog Posts” page but only the post(s) containing the selected tag appear(s) ]]

So how could we set up a URL that works like that for my collection?

Thanks again! :hugs: