Hi Folks, if i open the test-side in Chrome it looks perfekt but in Safari i’ts a whole different story. Nothing stays where it should be. (see screenshot). It’s rather confusing 'coz i’ve checked it on chrome and my client on safari! So we’re looking at total different pages! How can i be solving the problem? Been fumbling since days on that proportional and scaling grid. First with pro-galleries » no success, then with regular grid - also negativ and finally with the layouter and mouseoverboxes. Unfortunately want’s the client exactly the same look as on: https://www.muessig.ch/referenzen/balkone/
A fluent proportional scaling. 1 Big picture and 2 1/2 Size besides. So simple. But i’m struggling. ; (
After days of trail and error i’m afraid i’ve to give up on that. What can i do?
my test-site: https://melliger2.editorx.io/website?siteRevision=1001
any advise befor i turn nuts on that problem?
thnx in advance
The gallery will do this when you adjust the view port widths. It looks like his is smaller than yours. There should be a scale option in settings i.e ”items per row” or “scale proportionally” and “minimum width” . you need to play around with these until your happy with the result on all screen widths and break points desk/tablet/mobile.
sorry, miss understood. Have you tried using VW in the containers or images this will keep them in proportion…see below and in the Expert tips section.
Or set the height in the SECTION to VW or use a GRID in the SECTION and set to VW instead of Pixels/VH (in this case set section to auto)
Try (Min:Max) MIN:500px and MAX:50VW and adjust until your happy when adjusting screen size…. set IMAGES or CONTAINERS to auto.