It should come as no surprise, but the Top 4 WixStudio Forum posts for the past Quarter… ALL have to do with the recent limitations imposed by changes to WixData and CMS limits, and the lack of transparency regarding what’s going on with the upcoming premium plans!
[Screenshot taken directly from WixSTUDIO Forum on 8/23/2023]
Most of us on this Forum are here because we are dedicated to seeing Wix succeed, because Wix’s success as a platform is vital to our own success as developers, small business owners, bootstrapped startup founders, … and the list goes on and on.
For three weeks now, we’ve been asking and reaching-out to gather more information. Thankfully, many of the Forum moderators have been very responsive and EXTREMELY helpful, especially @pamela and @noahlovell. BUT from scouring all of these posts, it seems that the Wix teams aren’t providing us with enough information to understand what’s going on, let alone enough information to make informed decisions about our current sites on Wix (whether on Wix Editor or EditorX) and our future with the Wix platform.
Can anyone please provide us at least a little more information about what’s going on?
Here’s a recapped list of many of the questions that are being asked across these Top 4 posts:
- What will happen to the current wixData and CMS limits that we have on our current plans? Will they automatically change to fit the new plan limits, or will our previous plans be grandfathered in?
- Can you confirm what the new premium plans are and their associated limits?
- Does the Wix team in charge of these plan limits understand that these new limits will significantly hinder what developers are able to accomplish on Wix, practically making complex webApps and projects impossible on Wix? Many current wix developers have posted detailed examples of how these changes are already impacting their sites (and thus, their livelihoods).
- What is the timeline for these proposed changes?
And lastly, is there any way we, as a wix developer community, can help better describe the problems we are encountering and propose solutions that can help all parties involved? Again, we WANT Wix to do well, and our success is tied to Wix’s success
Everyone, please feel free to chime in and add any questions that I missed, and I will update this “recapped” post to include them.
p.s. I’m definitely NOT trying to step on any toes here. I’m very invested in these changes, because they will make my own project practically useless, so I took it upon myself to put up this post. I apologize if anyone disagrees with anything I’ve included here, and I’m happy to make changes to this post to make it even better. Thanks!