Upload multiple files on one upload button

We should be able to upload more than one file without having to use multiple buttons when using it to submit forms


Hi there, here is the solution that we built for one of our clients allowing a user to upload as many images desired with one single upload field. We prefer to avoid call back hell so we use async await.

let workImages = [];

export async function uploadWork_change(event) {
 let greenFlag = false;
 let file = $w('#uploadWork').value;
 if(file.length > 0){
 let response = await $w('#uploadWork').startUpload($w('#uploadWork').buttonLabel = 'Uploading ...');
        greenFlag = response;
            greenFlag = false;
            console.log(workImages, file[0].name);
            $w('#uploadWork').buttonLabel = 'Add another picture'
            $w('#uploadedTxt').text = `Done, Uploaded ${file[0].name}`;

This doesn’t work for me. I replace the #uploadWork to the name of the upload button but it still didn’t work.

It worked but it’s not uploading to database. So still not the solution that works for me.

You have to change uploadedTxt, this is a text element and is important to know how to implement async await all what you see after “await” and before greenFlag is on one single line

In case that you are wondering how this looks like here is screenshot of the live project:

So with a single button, you can upload as many pictures as you want selecting them one by one Wix still doesn’t have a tool to mark them all at the same time which they should do it but anyway this is a solution.

Hi, would I be able to use the same set of code for multiple video file upload?
Currently the page I have is an upload button with a button to start the upload. i need it to be able to upload 2 files instead of 1.

how should this be tweaked to make is useable for site visitors to upload 2 files at once?

Would you be able to post step-by-step instructions on how to implement this coding on to a site? I’m new at coding and I’m having difficulties altering the code so that it works smoothly. Thank you!