Want to move wordpress site on Wix

I want to move WordPress website on wix platform including the domain URL but I can’t find out any solution that how can i move the on wix.com
if there is any solution present to move the WordPress site on Wix kindly let me know. Thanks

I also have same issue kindly let me know also
Thanks .

Need solution for this. waiting for response :frowning:

This is not a one size fits all question. It will depend on what you need to move. You can export data from your database and import it into content collections. If it is blogs, you may be able to export and import.

But any functionality you have written in PHP will need to be written in JavaScript so you cannot bring over the code directly.

I would suggest mapping out all the functionality and data you would like to move and then looking up each part on Wix/Velo to create a strategy.

If you are looking to hire someone to help you with this task, you can check out the marketplace. https://www.wix.com/velo/hire-a-developer