Wednesday Discussion Topic: Wix Events: Members Area!

Hi all, I see some very good suggestions …! Hopefully WIX will deal with them very soon.
I have some very good ‘go-live’-experiences since a few weeks with WIX Events, especially with use of the tickets-screening in the WIX app (thx Tal !! :wink: Keep up the good work !
From my expertise with the WIX Events, I would like to propose:

  • Ability to select multiple events, so the payment can be done in one cumulating order (but with clearly “separated” ticket and/or event-references for each event of course)
  • Ability to manually add “guests” at the backend, so that we can send out ‘free’ tickets if needed (without going thru the “unpaid” vs manually set to “paid” and resend tickets chain …
  • Better “link” between the order-ref (made by WIX) and the payment-ref (made by Payment Provider)

[@lieven] nice input! Thanks!!

[@Tali Kamer]

The link doesn’t work for me… it goes toa 401 page, not found =[