Wix Editor freezes, since Studio was launched

Anyone else have issues with Wix Editor freezing since Studio launched?

[Which editor or feature is your question most relevant to? e.g. Wix Editor, Wix Studio Editor.]

What are you trying to achieve:
I have 5 websites to keep up to date and since the summer I have not been able to do any editing. I am getting so frustrated.

What have you already tried:
I run in Chrome. I have reset my computer, refreshed the screen. Tried to approach edits from different menus. I can do a blog or update the store because I don’t need to view the page I am working on. But as soon as I open a page to edit in screen it locks up. Not the computer, just the Wix tab. I can go into other tabs and manipulate other pages unrelated to Wix, return to Wix Editor and I can’t even scroll. I have closed other tabs and any programs I am using on my computer and still Wix locks up. I am very frustrated. I have 2 very important business websites to work on.

Additional information:
[Include any other pertinent details or information that might be helpful for people to know when trying to answer your question.]

Hi, Janet_Adam !!

If you are using a PC with sufficient specs to run the Wix Studio editor, a stable internet connection, and the latest version of Google Chrome, and such an issue is still occurring, it is a serious problem. I recommend reporting it to Wix Support and asking them to address it. This issue might be beyond what this community forum can handle. :upside_down_face:

By the way, does this problem occur only when editing a specific site? Or does it also happen with other newly created sites? Before reporting to Wix Support, it’s essential to analyze the issue in as much detail as possible. If Wix Support does not take the matter seriously through the standard reporting process, you could report it to the community manager of this forum and ask them to escalate the issue to Wix Support. This might increase the chances of them taking the problem more seriously. :thinking:

I hope the issue gets resolved! :raised_hands: