Anyone else have issues with Wix Editor freezing since Studio launched?
[Which editor or feature is your question most relevant to? e.g. Wix Editor, Wix Studio Editor.]
What are you trying to achieve:
I have 5 websites to keep up to date and since the summer I have not been able to do any editing. I am getting so frustrated.
What have you already tried:
I run in Chrome. I have reset my computer, refreshed the screen. Tried to approach edits from different menus. I can do a blog or update the store because I don’t need to view the page I am working on. But as soon as I open a page to edit in screen it locks up. Not the computer, just the Wix tab. I can go into other tabs and manipulate other pages unrelated to Wix, return to Wix Editor and I can’t even scroll. I have closed other tabs and any programs I am using on my computer and still Wix locks up. I am very frustrated. I have 2 very important business websites to work on.
Additional information:
[Include any other pertinent details or information that might be helpful for people to know when trying to answer your question.]