BETA Unlocked: Content Manager Permissions

Good day everyone! We’re opening an exciting new BETA for you all today.

What is it?

The ability to independently control access to the Content Manager by creating site contributor roles with this specific permission.

For example, as Partners you can now create roles that have access to the Content Manager and Stores, but not the Editor. This allows you to give content management rights to specific contributors, but restrict their editor access to avoid accidental changes to the design.

Below is how the business manager for accounts where only Content Manager access has been granted, will appear.

For instructions on accessing this feature visit your Partner Dashboard or click here to be redirected

When possible, test it out and let us know your thoughts in the comments section below! @giedrius-grazevicius and the team look forward to your feedback.


I LOVE THIS! I don’t think people understand my excitement when it comes to the content manager and updates to it!

This is 1100% a step in the right direction. Now for granular controls over each collection

Woot woot! If it’s not available as of yet, give us a few more minutes. We’re working on it. :smiley:


Hey @giedrius-grazevicius !

Been testing this feature out and it’s amazing! The only thing, is that it has affected current roles and permissions. On custom roles, I was contacted by a client that they couldn’t edit the collections, so I had to go in and edit the role.

Not sure it this is intended, but thought I’d raise it

It is certainly not. Thank you for raising it. We are checking what could have happened.

Yes, thanks for adding this feature! And controls for each Collection is what we need as well!