Hi everyone.
Iv recently been using EditorX and iv noticed that when I edit a mobile breakpoint and go back to a desktop view my desktop breakpoint is all over the place. Sometimes after setting up a breakpoint and then viewing it on an actual device the device layout looks nothing like it did in the editor background.
I’m coming from Webflow so this is extremely frustrating. Has anyone else been having this problem or does anyone have any tips?
Hi @kassandraescoe
The changes you make on smaller breakpoint (mobile or tablet) to structure (like reparenting or unstacking ) and data (text, media etc.) affect all the breakpoints - you can read more about it here .
As for the preview, try previewing your website by dragging the handles (explained here ).
Let me know if this helps and welcome to Editor X (hope your issue gets resolved soon!)
@eduardog Thanks for the speedy response. I’ll def check out that link and try out your tip!