CMS read and write data quistions with code

I have too many… for wix studio data and CMS.

1- For data limit, standard plan mentions 200 writes per 1 min, number seems way too low.
Say I update a CMS using wixData.update code on 5 items per user!
Does that mean if 41 users visit my website it wont update and its bricked forever?

Or will it queue the update for the next min to prevent bricking the website?
“my website relays on accurate data”.

2- Is it the same to update 10 Collections containing 1 variable each or 1 collection table line that contains 10 Variables?


let toUpdate = {

“_id”: “SINGLE_ITEM_ID”,
“fund”: potatof,
“var1”: 6,
“var2”: 7,
“var3”: 2,
wixData.update(“Test”, toUpdate)

Is the code above 1 Write? OR Is it 5 Writes?

3- if the answer above is 5 writes and does not queue updates for next min…
Then how can anyone run a website without unlimited writes?

If 1 influencer mentions my website I would get 5000 users in 1 min that’s 25000 writes! at current pricing I would need pay 1 million dollar a month for my website to not be useless!

4- Is there some contingency for high traffic but for very short time, like… system detects insane traffic so it gives you unlimited writes for 10 mins then back to 200 on a cooldown of 24 hours?

5- for reads same question above if i have 50 dynamic elements from CMS does that mean if 75 users visit the website it stops working? and if all 50 elements were on 1 line and requested at once using code is that 1 read or is it still 50?

Sorry for the long post I didn’t know where to ask.

  1. It will probably give a 429 error after crossing your limit, until the time has passed. But there are also some max limits per hour and so on.

It will not que up the updates that you tried to do while given the “to many requests” error, but you could probably set it up yourself with .catch

  1. That would be 1 write

  2. Does everyone who visit your site write to the DB?

  3. Not really

  4. One request is one read, one line fetched from the CMS is not one read.

Thanks for the reply!

Since its one write we can make do.

But for 4… You may need one at some point, to attract clients with sensitive data a contingency would help alot, its anti DDOS… yes your server would take a hit for the team :).

5 its a bummer, I was sold on the full dynamic page dream :frowning:

will just make all pages static.

  1. Yes. but can be reduced since its 1 write but if 5 it would be hopeless.

Again thanks alot!