I disagree with the new CMS pricing system


Yesterday, I wrote an article attacking the CMS’s new pricing system, which in the eyes of us freelancers and agencies, is about to kill WIX developers.

So today I’m calling on all developers to react to this post! I’ll add your potential solutions to this post !

1 - Wix has decided to set a storage limit in its database, not in GO, NO! In number of elements ! Globally, if you work with more than 100,000 elements (which happens quickly on large projects) you’ll have to pay more than $178 per MONTH!

2 - Wix has added a request limit per MONTH! If you fall victim to an attack (because it’s easily done) your quota is blown! In that case, good luck to you!

3 - Wix limits indexes to between 1 and 3, so if your collection reaches a large number of items, your requests will expire every time without returning any results!

4 - Prices between packages go from $38.90 to $178 for only 100,000 items in your collections…


When choosing a subscription, allow users to pay only for what they need and how much they need, and switch the system back to per-GB storage. If this isn’t possible, offer more subscription options, at reasonable prices!

I’d also ask you to remove the monthly quota limit (maybe put it on an hourly basis instead).

For indexes, at least 2 per collection would be interesting.

The system offered on Editor X was perfect, simple and cost-effective. Our customers were satisfied, and if you persisted on this path, I would have to find another editor, and I would then transfer my customers as I went along to remove them from WIX…

Don’t hesitate to respond with your own solutions!

You can see the wix studio subscription details for the CMS below.


I agree with this; the business I was building heavily relied on Read and Write requests, and that limit they imposed only served to harm the entire strategy I was constructing in Editor X.

I am even trying to switch to WordPress and see if I can build the same thing there because with the new plans, they are going to hurt businesses that work with CMS.

They should remove that limit on Read and Write requests.


I really hope that they won’t do this… If they do, i’m out…
That’s super stupid to do… But that’s the problem when people depends fully on wix… They can force well established sites to do this…


Exactly, imagine having a well-structured and complex website created in Wix Studio, and suddenly they change the plans and benefits for users…

This is when you can see that relying on a platform is the worst idea for a complex data-driven business. It’s better to use something that provides much more freedom, like WordPress, and allows you to change hosting if you wish.

I was considering creating a complex site with thousands of items in the CMS on Wix Studio, but looking at it from this perspective, it’s a bad idea.


Wix made a fatal decision with their new pricing plan. I’m using Wix Code/Corvid/Velo since, I believe, 2017 and I just redid my very first Wix site in WordPress. If governments run out of money, they always “tax their way out of it”: they can and they have the monopoly. Wix is doing the same thing: stock has tanked since Covid is over and they need to show revenue. It looks like somebody with a spreadsheet did some “what if”-analyses and came up with these silly new limits. As always, it will prove to be counter productive: devs cannot sell this to customers (“if this than so much, but if that or that, than so much, unless …”). We will put up with it while we are looking for other solutions and then get out ASAP. They’ve got us by the nuts and they’re squeezing just a tad too hard. Sad, because it started out very promising.

Just a reminder, from the past: https://g.co/bard/share/3d8b8f124292


I was also working on a mega webiste on EditorX, and after seeing the quotes they enforced on websites, we first decided to host our databases elsewhere, but then realized there are also a limit to the requests that can be made to the backed in certain period of time, and the project heavily relies on Backend requests, so we finally decided to end this project, at least on Wix.

It’s acutely a shame to see mega corporations trying to find more ways to ruin their customers, and nickel and dime them while their profits are not even decreasing.

Since day one here on Wix, I’ve always thought that Wix tools are simply incapable and insufficient to build something big, when they finally brought the right tools and means, they ruined us (I’m not gonna say other words), so that’s it for me, I’m going off the platform.


I hope Wix will revert these changes to data platform and some developer tools like secrets…

Or come up with better update that’s even better than old limits.


Hey Wix, these plans aren’t going to help us with web professional development. Hopefully, you listen to all of us and revert these changes. Your marketing strategies must make sense in the development world. These plans are not making any sense.


Ugh, I’m either going go cry or break some sh!t. I spent the last 18 months (1) teaching myself JS then velo specifically for EditorX, (2) learning how to create a VERY involved, custom social media and learning app, and (3) FINALLY launching RIGHT before these changes: www.WeElev8.com.

My first massive disappointment with the plan changes came just as I was launching, when I realized the (then called) “Wix Business VIP” plan offered unlimited storage, BUT EditorX didn’t have an equivalent plan option. In fact, the MOST EXPENSIVE business plan for EditorX (“Scale”) had even LESS storage than the least expensive plan on Wix!!! After contacting Support multiple times, even the Wix Care Team didn’t even realize that this was the case with their plans. In the end, I had to install the “Wix Photo Album” app - which I’m not even using on my site whatsoever - just to be able to purchase storage 1TB at a time. Obviously, this isn’t scalable, but it’s what I had to do to at least get my site launched and out the door!!

Look, I’ve been using Wix for over 15 years now, and as a startup founder who wasn’t able to get funding (sadly, most of us don’t, especially women), I had to CHOOSE which path I would take to launch my dream platform myself. I CHOSE Wix because it USED to be a place where ANYONE could launch their business. Wix almost felt like the Web Developer Robinhood (like, actual Robinhood, not the stock trading app) - no matter how much money or experience the user had, Wix had a tier for everyone.

NOW, the EditorX pricing plans don’t even make it clear WHAT the CMS quotas are, and the storage is still ridiculously low and an absolute joke:

Like most of the developers on here, I absolutely NEED the CMS and wixData read/write capability without such stringent quotas, and going directly to a $12,000/year Enterprise plan is NOT an option when starting.

It seems very clear that DEVELOPERS on Wix care more about data storage and retrieval and less about the eCommerce, bookings, ticket and event management, and restaurant management options. We’re building WebApps that are FAR more than just eCommerce shops, and if we wanted to focus mostly on eCommerce, that’s what lame options like Shopify are for.

EditorX, and now WixStudio, are supposed to be more advanced options that empower developers to create anything they want. Now, they’re just fancy tools with crappy plans that are pretty much going to force us into having to get Enterprise plans off the bat, or simply leave the Wix ecosystem altogether. For most of us who don’t have the budget for Enterprise (and who probably aren’t going to be able to get most of our clients to pay a starting price of $12k for enterprise), what do you think we’re going to end up doing?


@JessCK It’s clear you’ve dedicated a lot of time and effort to your project, and we understand how frustrating the recent changes and storage limitations must be, especially given your long-standing connection with our company. Please know that your feedback is greatly appreciated. We’re actively reviewing all input regarding this important matter, so it really helps that so many of you are contributing with your thoughts and ideas. Rest assured, our team is currently evaluating this topic to work towards a resolution.


Wix should revert this data platform changes or fix them. Just think as a developer that wants to build a complex app with Wix.

With current changes to Data Platform and Developer Tools it’s basically very hard or just not possible.

When you think like that it’s obvious to understand what is the problem and what should be done.

And here are the list of things that should be done in my opinion:

  • Remove CMS Item based limits and change it with regular storage limits. (3/5/10/20GB total limit)

  • Remove monthly data limits and never add monthly limits again. Also fix write limits p/min OR remove p/min limit and create daily limits. We can’t have monthly limits and we can’t have that much low write limits p/min (500 and 200 is pretty low for Plus and Standart plan).

    • Wix can remove both monthly and minute limits and change it with daily limits. But daily limits should be very high to keep it in a good position or it will be even worse.
  • Secret limits… (Why do you even limit this every plan must have at least 10-20 secret limits if you want to add limit but imo there shouldn’t be a limit for secrets)

  • Scheduled jobs is low for Plus plan it should be 20 or 15. Also interval of Plus plan could be 30 min.

  • Dashboard Page limits. There’s no point in limiting it, as if Wix were going to create the dashboard pages for us and write the codes…


@loeiks Great feedback! The clarity and structure of your input is much appreciated!


Fully agree with the posts on this thread. Specially the CMS item limit is a NO-GO for developers and for me.
Why to have this CMS items limit, the database is usually measured by size and not by number of items and the limits are very low it does not even allow building a small app on Wix Studio.
The other limits are problematic as well, Wix might loose the dev community if the limits will be remain as it.
Personally, after investing time in building an app on wix-Studio I will need to transfer it to Editor-X or to find other solutions that exist on the market due to these limits.

Very disappointing.

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In the future, editor X is destined to disappear and be replaced by Studio, and the limits of CMS are intended to apply to all WIX platforms… that’s why we’re fighting, because with this new system it will be totally impossible for developers to use WIX!

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Here’s a link to a more recent article on the subject: The CMS is rendered useless by the updating of tariff plans

Thanks for the info, indeed a very poor decision by Wix to have these limits, I’m trying to reach out and communicate this to the Wix Product Team via email…


Thank you for your investment! For our part, the WIX community team told us that an update was in the works a few weeks ago, but since then there’s been no news, and it’s been impossible to get any information to move forward with our projects…

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Did you check the option to use Firebase for the CMS part?

This to say? I didn’t quite understand which option it was?

Instead of using Wix CMS use Firebase (https://firebase.google.com/) so the Wix CMS limit is not relevant.