Connection between Media Gallery and Wix Pro Gallery

Hello Everybody.
I’m relatively new to Datasets but have been on Wix since Flash)).
I’m trying to connect a Wix Pro Gallery to the Collection via Dataset and doing everything exactly as described here:
As long is field type is set to “Image” everything is fine but once I change it to Media Gallery or Video the When I’m trying to connect “Image Sources Connect To” is greyed out.

I was under impression that Collections connected to Wix Pro Gallery can utilize both image and video…
Please help. Thank you!

Hey there
I am having the same issue now - did you work this out?

It does but it meeds ro be connected a different. Why? We don’t know. Wix likes ro be funny like that.

Disconnect your pro gallery from the dataset, then try to connect it again. But this time instead of clicking he dataset name, select the media gallery that shows up right underneath the dataset name.

Hi, vladidj !!

I once struggled with the issue of not being able to add videos to the Pro Gallery. If I recall correctly, I ended up resolving it by using Velo instead of connecting the dataset directly to the Pro Gallery element. Instead of using a media gallery type field in the collection, I created separate fields for images and videos. I then loaded these through the dataset, converted them into a gallery item structure using Velo, and inserted them into the .items of the Pro Gallery. I don’t remember why I had to do it this way, though.