I’m making this post to discuss with you the bugs that occur with databases.
Sometimes, when saving internally, the log announces an “internal error”, which means that saving is not done. This also happens when retrieving data, so you have to reload the page to retrieve the data. Sometimes these bugs even last several hours…
The problem is that sometimes it happens 1 time and then nothing, it would be really nice if a WIX team would look into this because it affects the quality of the site and the information a lot.
Because of this bug, some data may not be transmitted without my knowledge! Some customers are therefore unhappy…
@Lucas_dev Thanks for letting us know! When did you notice that this began? What platform was the site built on? Have you noticed this happening on multiple sites you have or usually on one?
This has been the case for some time on WIX. Particularly during database insertion, with the famous “internal error”. At times, it appears 1 time, then nothing. The problem is that this can pose a problem for the security of the information retrieved when inserting into multiple databases. If you insert into 3 databases and the last one has no insertion, then there’s a problem…
Beyond that, it happens on a more regular basis that WIX database servers suffer a drop in power… This means that it becomes impossible to access the data from the site with the famous 504 error. This poses a problem in terms of the reliability and quality of the data communicated… because it can happen that for several hours it’s impossible to access the data…
It’s not the first time I’ve reported these problems, and I have the impression that nothing is being done to investigate the problem, but it’s seriously affecting the quality of sites using BDDs…