Introducing: Gradients in Section Background

We are excited to share with you - you can now add Gradients as a Background for sections, and create unique visuals:

1. Linear Gradients- With the ability to add up to 8 colors and control the Gradient’s angle

2. Radial Gradients- With the ability to add up to 8 colors and control the Gradient’s Focal point

3. New WOW feature: Fluid Gradients- create Mesh-like visuals with unlimited color spots.

Gradients also can be applied to the Background of videos and Images:

Re-use your Gradient design on other sections (same site) by clicking on the +Add button next to the My Gradients/ My Fluid Gradients.

How to add Gradients?
Open Editor X > Add/ choose a section > Open the design panel in the inspector > Make sure the toggle is on> Click on ‘color’ > Choose one of the 2 Gradients tab> Play around :slight_smile:

Drop us a line here and share your feedback.

Adi on behalf of the entire WOW team.


And here it is folks, the one we’ve all been waiting for!
redesigns homepages


LOVE IT! Keep up the good work. Super excited to see gradients expanded for all colour stylable elements!

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Amazing! +1 to seeing this come to other elements such as shapes, items, containers, etc


Fantastic! Love it…

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Great… What about animated gradients tho? Because if I cant animate it then I might aswell keep using the manual css code method instead

Well, I’d say use the code method in any case where you want the animation, because you’ll probably have kuch more granular control that way than if they implemented that level of animation…not to mention that may take a while to implement as I’m almost sure they’re working on some sort of animation update.

Best comment :slight_smile:

Can’t this be applied to container backgrounds??

Hey Devon, would you mind sharing that method?

@chris They made a video doing just that. See it here How to create animated gradient in Editor X | Editor X Tutorials - YouTube

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That’s a great feature. Long awaited. Is it not available for containers…right!!

love this one, and we have even more feature to come this summer :sun_with_face:

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this feature its not show on my editor x account ???

hello, @davemotionpicture could you share with us a screenshot from the inspector panel on colors open from your side?

Along with this, plese share with us the site link, we will check how it looks from your side

Also make sure you have the Media and Pattern selected when you have the section selected. Without that, you can only set the color. Then click color.

Not yet but first step to get this added on other elements.

Will probably be a next step after this.

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Big fan already. Thank you!!!