Hello I created a dataset and have permissions set to Read only ( also tried read+write) and have it set to site visitors can view but when I publish the site it doesnt work but in preview mode it works perfectly. I have also synced the dataset after making changes. can anyone please help it would be greatly appreciated. the url is kurdishloop.com
Just tested site and links to videos and photos all seem to be working.
Can you try the first two because the rest I have inked to menu pages but the first two I have set to the database I created but don’t seem to work thanks
everyone who’s had this issue seems to fix it from their permissions but my permission is set to anyone can be able to view. and the first two videos work perfectly in preview mode just not published
The video samples on the first page should just be linked straight through to the page that the video player is on, you don’t need to try to link it through the dataset field.
As you are using dynamic pages that is why you are getting the Video page and then the choice of item, which in your case is the dynamic video that you are showing on that page.
It would be the same as if you are just using static pages, you would link the video sample on the homepage simply straight to the page with the video player on that plays that particular video.
To use a video that is uploaded to your media manager and from a dataset you need to use VideoPlayer API and src to set or get the video for that in code.
Plus if the videos are already added to your media manager, then you don’t need to have them in a dataset.
Also, you are better off not using a Wix Pro Gallery if you are trying to connect pictures or video to it through the use of code.
You would be much better off just using a normal Wix Gallery.
This is because the Wix Pro Gallery is actually a Wix app and it might sometimes overwrite any code or settings that you have used to get pics or vids into that gallery.
@givemeawhisky I appreciate your responses very much but just to add the images on the homepage are just gif images of that video so theyre not actually the video samples themselves and I figured it would help my page load time if I had a dataset setup so I dont have to manually make a new page each time with the video and title. not sure why it works perfectly in preview mode
@givemeawhisky also I’ve found out that if I add the dataset Webpage manually through the web address field instead of the page field it works but it opens a separate window lol
So why not just set up the Wix Pro Gallery to expand when clicked and not linked. That way you can stay on the same page and not have to bother with the additional pages.
On that picture you are choosing web address and entering the full url of your website, hence why it goes to a new tab.
You need to be choosing page and choosing page from the list that comes up from it.
@givemeawhisky I see what you’re saying but I feel like it would slow my page down dramatically if I have hundreds of videos loaded on the gallery and everytime someone plays a video and I like having a little preview before opening which is why i made gifs of the videos as a preview. I understand that because i am choosing a web address url it is opening a new window but if I select the page option from the list it wont work on my dataset it only works if i manually make a page and link it. lol hopefully im not making you hate me
Yes that is because you are using a Wix Pro Gallery and your items should be linked to videos or pics already in your Media Manager.
If you want to have all your sample gifs and videos in a dataset then you need to be doing something like this.
Great advice I will try to add the gifs and video in a dataset and see if that works for me I think you might be right about the pro gallery interfering with the dataset will try that out and give an update thanks again