Also, don’t forget that the load time is also affected by the users own internet connection and the devices that they are using to view it on it, so you need to have a good pool of reviews on different devices etc before you can just take the word of a few user reviews.
i’ve just checked your site and it comes up quickly although I am on fibre broadband, so everything is quick for my devices.
However note that if other users are using copper broadband and not fibre then obviously then they will get a slower load time, the same with mobile devices if people are using 3g still and not 4g or 4g+, then again it will be slower to load.
The same with computers and mobile devices, the older the device used to view the website on basically means the slower the website will be to load, whereas newer computers and mobile devices will obviously load websites faster as their internal workings run much faster.
Also, check what browsers people are using to view the website on too, if users have third party software on there like adblockers pr popup blockers etc, then this could be slowing down your website loading times too, or even sometimes not allowing parts of your website to actually load and be shown on your page.
The same with your website to begin with, if you are using any third party connections with your website, then remember that these also need to load up too before Wix can show your page fully.
So take note that Wix might be all set and ready to show your website, however it is waiting on a third party app to fully load before it can carry on and show the page.
It isn’t always a fault with Wix itself, a lot of times it is down to other settings that Wix can’t have any control over.
Finally, have a look at these two results from different speed checks based from Canada and the UK where you can see the difference in them from 2secs to over 10secs!
However, have a look at the results for each of them and it will show you how you can alter things, like compressing your images to make them smaller etc.