Major Breakpoint issues

Hi All,

I just launched my website but there are major issues among different screen sizes ( and browsers). I have adjusted multiples and its just costing me hours at this point. I cant even share my website as I feel its not ready to be shared due to the issues.

Site Link:

Can someone from Wix chime in and help out here!

Hi nav,

Im Ido from the Editor X team, Im taking a look at your site right now, and I will try help you resolve some of the issues:

  1. in this case you have a stack, but the “Image Analytics” text is not part of the stack so thats why you have overlapping

  1. Same thing with this issue here, You need to use stack or grid in order to maintain a relationship between the elements:

I highly recommend that you attend one of our intro to editor x webinars, there is one thats actually today April 24th 11AM EDT.

If you have anymore specific issues you can just send screenshots and I will try to address them.

Hope this helps,

Thanks Ido. I did get a call from Wix and they have team looking into it. I don’t know if you’re involved with that. Thanks for webinar but that’s a couple of days old but thanks anyway.

Are you on the team that’s helping resolve this issue?