Should I redesign a client website using Editor X, or should I wait to design it directly in Wix Studio?

A client has asked me to revamp their entire website. Their site currently utilizes Editor X, with no possibility of updating it to Wix Studio. What would you do? Should I redesign the website using Editor X, even though it will soon transition to Wix Studio, or should I wait and design it directly in Wix Studio?

Personally I would redesign in Studio from scratch. If revamping an older website it’s hard to be sure that all images are optimised and the structure is of best practice. If you start over, at least you know that it is done right (to your standards). BTW, X to Studio updates are currently open to all partners and should be available to all very soon.

Honestly, I would start by grabbing a mood board from the client. You can then start redesigning/planning the site UX in figma, get the site signed off and then develop in Studio from scratch :slight_smile:

Thanks, but doing that I will lose all the SEO data and other settings, right? @Nathan_Jones

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Yes, there is certain member/contact data in the dashboard that you could not transfer over, but SEO, done right, can be kept. Same page slugs, 301 redirects etc. All depends what state the current site is in. If its structured quite well then plan out a rebuild so that you are ready for Studio, if it’s in a mess I would start a fresh.

you can migrate from editor x to studio Wix Studio FAQs: Transitioning from Editor X | Help Center |

why is there no posibility of updating to Studio ?

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I don’t think that the update is available to everyone just yet. My partner account has the upgrade option, but my personal account doesn’t yet.

Should be open to all partners and Studio users

Just checked again now, and no studio upgrade options as yet on my personal account. @noahlovell